Taos County, New Mexico
Cantonment Burgwin Post Cemetery (defunct) Taos, Taos County, New Mexico, USA
   Contributed and copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. NOTE: This is not a complete listing. If anyone knows of more burials in this cemetery please contribute them by sending to Karen Mitchell.
The Cantonment Burgwin Postings collection chronicles the establishment and history of this small military installation in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains located 10 miles outside of Taos, New Mexico. It was established in 1852 as a cantonment to denote a temporary cavalry installation to protect the Taos Valley from the Utes and Jicarilla Indians. It was named after Captain John K. Burgwin, in honor of his death in 1847 while fighting during the siege of Taos Pueblo. The excavated, rebuilt compound was renamed Fort Burgwin in 1956 by Dr. Fred Wendorf.
PVT William Fell
born about 1843 at London, City of London, Greater London, England
died 6 Apr 1864
Pvt.; "F" Co., 1st Dragoons
Register of Enlistments - U. S. Army shows:
Name: Fell, William
Age: 21
Birthplace: London, England
Occupation: Painter
Enlistment date: 18 Feb 1863
Enlistment place: Philadelphia
Physical Description:
Eyes-blue Hair-brown
Complexion-fair Height-5’ 8¼”
Unit: 1 Drags, “F” Co.
Died: 6 Apl 1854 *see above
Remarks: From wounds received in action at Camp Burgwin, N.M. A Private.
PVT Augus McRae
born about 1827 at Inverness, Highland, Scotland
died 26 Oct 1855
Pvt.; "D" Co., 3rd U.S. Inf.
Register of Enlistments - U. S. Army shows:
Name: McRae, Augus
Enlistment date: 21 Aug 1854
Enlistment place: Ft. Union, N.M.
Birthplace: Inverness, Scotland
Age: 27
Occupation: Tailor
Physical Description:
Eyes-Blue Hair-Dk Auburn
Complexion-Fair Height-5’ 9“
Unit: 3 Inf., “D” Co.
Remarks: Died 26 Oct ’55 at Cantonment Burgwin, N.M. A Pvt.
PVT John Miller
born about 1823 Hanover, Hannoversche Landkreis, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
died 21 Apr 1857
Pvt.; "G" Co., 3rd U.S. Inf.
Register of Enlistments - U. S. Army shows:
Name: Miller, John
Enlistment date: 1 Feb 1856
Enlistment place: Santa Fe
Birthplace: Hanover, Hanover
Age: 33
Occupation: Soldier
Physical Description:
Eyes-Bluel Hair-Brown
Complexion-Florid Height-5’ 9“
Unit: 3 Inf., “G” Co.
Remarks: Died of Pneumonia 2 Apl ’57 at Cantonment Burgwin, N.M. A Pvt.
PVT David Nagle
born about 1833 died 3 Nov 1858
Birthplace: Tipperary, Ireland
Pvt.; "D" Co., 3rd U.S. Inf.
Register of Enlistments - U. S. Army shows:
Name: Nagle, David
Enlistment date: 24 Apr 1855
Enlistment place: Albany
Age: 22
Occupation: Laborer
Physical Description:
Eyes-Grey Hair-D Brown
Complexion-Dark Height-5’ 9“
Unit: 3 Inf., “D” Co.
Remarks: Killed by cattle 3 Nov ‘58 at Cantonment Burgwin, N.M. A Pvt.
PVT John Stegner
died 31 May 1859
Birth about 1838 at Bavaria (Bayern), Germany
Pvt.; "D" Co., 3rd U.S. Inf.
Register of Enlistments - U. S. Army shows:
Name: Stegner, John
Enlistment date: 2 Mar 1855
Enlistment place: St Louis
Birthplace: Bavaria, Germany
Age: 21
Occupation: Teamster
Physical Description:
Eyes-Hazel Hair-Auburn
Complexion-Fair Height-5’ 4½“
Unit: 3 Inf., “D” Co.
Remarks: Died 31 May 1859 at Cantonment Burgwin, N.M. A Pvt.
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